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Save Precious Class Time

Don't manually scrub through videos — playback only the best bits.

Play video clips more efficiently in the classroom

Curate your personal library of educational videos, present them seamlessly in class, and share them with students

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Embed video on any webpage

Display moments from events, lectures or tutorial videos on your course blog.

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Comment on video moments

Highlight facts, present information or just pin a note to a certain video moment.

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It's interactive, visual and easy to use

Select a video and click to highlight moments in real-time.

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Share the best bits of videos with your students

Create a shortened version of longer tutorial videos to focus a lesson plan on a particular topic. Students can create their own"cliff notes" versions of lecture videos to help them study for midterms and finals.

Curate your personal
library of educational videos.

Developing a new course syllabus or lecture outline is a breeze when you have a library of relevant, impactful video clips at your fingertips, ready to embed or link.

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Bring more efficient video into the classroom

Request an invite today for free.
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Get right down to
the good parts of
educational videos.